
Why colorize terminal output when you can colorize on the reader?

Colorful text is a must, because we are visual creatures. We process shapes and colors way better than symbols. Confronted to a screen full of text, it is hard to make sense of it, without meaningful coloring. I even find pure text repulsive, I don’t want to look. Command like tools like ls, grep, git offer colorized output, in fact I’m only able to find them useful, when their output is colorful. Color demands attention and focuses it too.

By — Dr. Óscar Nájera
| 5 min read | Emacs

Org-CV an Org export backend for CV

I’m again in this time of my life where I’m looking for a new long term project to work on. Because optimization is my favorite way of procrastination, instead of just making a Curriculum Vitae (CV) for job applications, I decided that I need to implement an org-mode export backend. This backend will let me keep my CV in org-mode and then export it to LATEX or markdown for my website. This exporter now lives in gitlab as org-cv and the documentation is here .

By — Dr. Óscar Nájera
| 2 min read | Emacs Org-Mode