Because I can, I recently added support for testnet Bitcoin Lightning payments
into this website. The beauty of Freedom and privacy respecting software is
that you can do anything you want with it. There are many ways to do it. You can
always use a service, provider for that, but the beauty of Bitcoin, the reason
it is valuable, is that you can do it yourself.
Yes, there are common tools, the most established would be to use BTCPay. For my
goals, it was an overkill, I didn’t want their entire infrastructure
requirements, I didn’t want to work on C# and I really wanted to try Common Lisp
for this project.
This project was more a pain than a delight. That is the nature of learning, you
need inefficiencies and time waste to learn. I at least learn by mistakes,
mistakes force me to pay attention. When things work, it does feel great, but I
don’t learn anything new. I want to share this non trivial example, I always
find the web full of toy examples that leave me wanting. That is why, when I
find a project with a closed and manageable scope that was a pain for me to
solve, I write about them, for you to learn from my mistakes.
It is not to long ago that I learned Lisp, and I really love it. I wish I had
learned about it earlier in my life. It is so flexible and expressive and
simple. Its interactive developing process has no competition and today it is
the language I use to try new ideas. Unfortunately that doesn’t mean it is the
language I can use to do anything I want.
The language isn’t everything, there is also tooling, libraries, documentation
and if I ever manage to become more social to take advantage of it: the
community. I really like Common Lisp, the language, I feel the tools I managed
to use are great. Libraries seem of high quality, yet they are really hard to
find and there isn’t one for everything. Documentation is extremely hard to
find. My well developed work mode of search based development is useless. There
isn’t enough reachable content on the Internet to figure out how to do the
things I want to do.
Yet, that wasn’t the main pain of this project. My pain was the front-end, how
to deal with the user interface. Thus, it wasn’t Common Lisp’s fault, it was the
lack of a good tool for that part of the job. It wasn’t any better than doing it
in JavaScript, which nobody does this days. For a user interface, you need some
kind of framework, and I couldn’t really find something for it. This is the
unfair comparison, but ClojureScript+Reagent+Reframe are the only combination I
have tried, that makes working on a front-end a manageable experience. It is not
the language, it is the tools & libraries that really make the difference and I
couldn’t find a similar experience in Common Lisp land for this project.
If you can’t find a good tool for the small job, don’t go big! Look how to do
the minimum amount of work to get it done, without committing to a technology.
Front-end and Back-end total around 250 lines of code. The Back-end was a
delight to write in Common Lisp, it beats any Python experience I have. There
are good enough libraries to address my needs.
The Front-end a pain. I used Parenscript, which is a Lisp flavored JavaScript.
That means, you are most of the time still in the JavaScript land of pain, and
without a library to manage the User Interface any endeavor you take feels
The backend is a set of services, the frontend is a form and some JavaScript for
the interactive parts. It is amazing that the Bitcoin & lightning networks
require so little hardware to function and yet they let you to partake in a
global trade network. Thanks to their design decisions around management of
local state, keeping global consensus to the minimum, it is very possible for
every individual to run your infrastructure and verify.
The next figure shows how little you need for this project. I use Bitcoin Core
to connect to the Bitcoin network and participate on the global consensus. On
top of that the LND daemon manages my wallet and manages my lightning channels,
it too connects to the lightning network. LND exposes a REST API which is what
my payment backend uses to request lightning invoices and listens to until the
payment settles. That means the Payment Backend acts as a middle-ware exposing
those same 2 API endpoints to the frontend user interface.
I’ll explain the system following the Lisp interactive development way. That
means, building little by little each peace, refactor it then finally package
everything. Simply summarizing the final code misses the advantage of doing it
in Lisp.
I’ll jump between frontend and backend development. Interactive development for me
starts with wishful thinking. Visualizing what you want and starting there, then
continue to make it work.
The way payments in the Lightning Network work is by offering the user an
invoice. That invoice tells the user’s lightning client where to pay and how
much. I want to make it possible for the readers of this blog to endorse/reward
my work on this blog by sending me a lightning payment for an amount they choose
and with a message of which post earned their appreciation.
Thus take your favorite path for web development and craft a form with 2 fields,
one for text, one numeric and a submit button. I personally develop directly the
HTML and use on Emacs the impatient-mode
to refresh the webpage as I type my
changes in. I do this in isolation for speed when developing individual
components. My general preference is to open an .html file load it with
and fontawesome
from their CDN and live code the HTML.
My resulting form, which you can see at the end of every post on this blog, is
this simple html code.
1<divid="app"class="pa4 black-80"> 2<divclass="mw7 center br3 ba b--black-20 pa4"id="ln-payment"> 3<fieldsetclass="ph0 mh0 bn"> 4<legendclass="f4 fw6 ph0 mh0"> 5 Tip me with <iclass="fas fa-flask green"></i>Testnet
6<iclass="fas fa-bolt gold"></i>Lightning
7<iclass="fab fa-bitcoin green"></i>Bitcoin
8</legend> 9<divclass="mt3">10<labelclass="db fw6 lh-copy f6">Message:</label>11<input12class="input pa2 input-reset ba bg-transparent w-100"13maxlength="64"14id="memo"15type="text"16value="Tip for this article"17/>18</div>19<divclass="mt3">20<labelclass="db fw6 lh-copy f6"><small>test</small> Sats:</label>21<input22class="pa2 input-reset ba bg-transparent w-100"23id="sat-value"24type="number"25value="2345"26min="2121"27max="400000"28/>29</div>30</fieldset>31<input32class="b mt3 ph3 pv2 input-reset ba b--black bg-transparent grow pointer f6 dib"33id="get-invoice"34onclick="javascript:invoice()"35type="submit"36value="Get lightning invoice"37/>38</div>39</div>
This is great, because I can then use this same code as a partial template in
which powers this blog. I did suffer to get the styling right, because CSS
is a pain, no matter how much tachyons has helped me to be declarative in
styling, I have not yet a trained mind for visual design. But secondly, because
this blog uses different CSS stylesheets and I had to deal with the conflicts.
The previous HTML code is the form, and the first sign for interactivity for the
user is the onclick = "javascript:invoice()" on the submit button. That is where
the nightmare starts. No matter how much I appreciate simple tools, few
dependencies, managing the user interaction with the bare language is horrible.
The challenge was to do it in Common Lisp. Parenscript is the Common Lisp answer
for the JavaScript problem. It gives you a Lisp flavored JavaScript. I do find
it better than JavaScript, but not better enough, you only get to program in a
bit more expressive JavaScript. Secondly, the language is not enough for
managing a user interface, using the bare language is akin to a bare hands fight
in warfare. It is not possible to win. Yet, because this is a small self-hosted
project I stuck to it. I didn’t find the React wrapper documented enough to
venture that alternative, neither were other options interesting enough.
Documentation, examples, tutorials barely exist in this space. With this
experience I know to stick to ClojureScript+Reagent+Reframe for any relevant
project in my future.
Rant over, what is my solution? Open a .lisp file and start hacking the front
end client. I use Emacs as my editor, I use doomemacs as main configuration
manager for it. Doomemacs uses sly to work with Common Lisp code. As soon as
you open a .lisp file, it fires a Lisp repl for you to develop. I use SBCL as
my Common Lisp implementation, and I have Quicklisp for package management.
Quicklisp is wonderful as I can load new libraries while I develop. There is no
need to restart lisp and thus loose my program state at any time I need a new
library. That means I can discover, and try which dependencies I need to get my
system to work. For the interactive web development beyond design I drop
impatient-mode and move to skewer, and in this particular case with
Parenscript I use trident-mode
to push my JavaScript changes into the browser,
without the need to manually refresh it. Because of doomemacs’ use of sly I
did have to patch trident-mode to use it, thus be warned. That is the price
and reward of using Free Software, you get the code to change it to your needs
and load it into your machine, but you have to do it yourself.
This is the starting code, I include the Emacs code comments to emphasize, that
tools are necessary for development, it is not simply code. The editor is your
assistant. In this case I declare this file using the lisp-mode which helps me
to interactively use the lisp repl and evaluate code. I also have a save hook
that evaluates the code in this file using trident-mode, that means it
translates this lisp code into JavaScript and loads it into the browser.
Instantaneous code reload, no need to refresh the page, no pain of loosing
state due to refresh.
1;; -*- mode: lisp; -*- 2;; evaluate this once to load parenscript 3;; (ql:quickload :parenscript) 4;; Evaluate this line once on the repl workaround so that output from 5;; trident doesn't get truncated. 6;; (pushnew '(SLYNK:*STRING-ELISION-LENGTH*) slynk:*slynk-pprint-bindings* 7;; :test #'equal) 8(defpackageln-pay-js 9(:use:cl:parenscript))10(in-package:ln-pay-js)1112;; Local Variables:13;; eval: (add-hook 'after-save-hook #'trident-eval-buffer :append :local)14;; End:
Now let’s write effectful code. collect-invoice-data gets the value inside
the memo and value fields in the form and packs them into an object. You
immediately notice that no client side validation has taken place. A very bad
practice, but I have to cut corners to get this done. I will directly send the
strings of those fields to the backend, as you can recognize by the use of this
function inside invoice, which the user calls from the form.
1(in-package:ln-pay-js) 2(defvar*__PS_MV_REG*);; Work around parenscript multiple value return 3(defvar+ln-api-uri+"") 4(defuncollect-invoice-data() 5(create:value(chaindocument(get-element-by-id"sat-value")value) 6:memo(chaindocument(get-element-by-id"memo")value))) 7 8(defuninvoice() 9(chain10(fetch(stringify+ln-api-uri+"/make-invoice")11(create:method"POST"12:headers(create"Content-Type""application/json")13:body(chain-J-S-O-N(stringify(collect-invoice-data)))))14(then(lambda(resp)15(if(eq200(@respstatus))16(chainresp(json))17(throw(@respstatus-text)))))))
As you see, this is JavaScript with Lisp syntax. I’m forced to use JavaScript
functions and put the parenthesis elsewhere. There is an advantage of structural
editing, which becomes ever less relevant with the use of tree-sitter. Yet,
even then I find lisp syntax quite useful. The stand alone function stringify
concatenates strings. +ln-api-uri+ is a variable containing the backend
server address. At the moment is the same development server and thus the empty
string, but that will change in production. create is to declare a JavaScript
object specified by key value paired arguments. -J-S-O-N is an abomination of
syntax, which translates to JSON in JavaScript, and here stringify has
actually a different meaning as it is the method of JSON. I’ll avoid this
pointless explanation of the code and let you see to what JavaScript it
translates to. It is an advantage of ParenScript that it produces readable
JavaScript, which is itself its limitation, as it can then only be a lisp
flavored JavaScript.
__PS_MV_REG shows up to track multiple value returns. I don’t use that
beautiful lisp capability, that is why it remains empty, but I need to define
that variable for the JavaScript code not to crash. ParenScript doesn’t help
you with that.
First load the dependencies into the lisp image. hunchentoot is the webserver,
data-format-validation helps to validate input, dexador is an http client to
query LND’s REST API, cl-json to work with JSON and finally arrows which
provides some syntactic sugar to “compose functions”.
Then define a package ln-pay and for the first development instances hard code
everything in variables. The reason I do this during development is because
using values directly is easy. If I need to load secrets, I can commit them to
code, because they are useless development secrets. The moment I need to move
to production, I voluntarily go over the pain of making each variable
configurable and consciously only create and properly account for the secrets I
do need. In this program I only need the authentication macaroon in a header and
where the LND REST endpoint is. Finally, I start the HTTP server, which I can
check works on http://localhost:4646
. The :document-root option is a relative
path to where the .html files reside, start serving an index.html file
containing the earlier from
Now to the actual code to process the invoice request. The threading last macro
(->>) from arrows is useful for readability, each output of a function is
the input for the next as its last argument. The sequence of steps is easily
readable, it declares: Get the POST data, validate it is a non-nil string,
decode that string assuming it is JSON, then validate that JSON data structure,
because that is what we want to use to create the invoice. The valid data goes
into the request to LND and its result is finally returned.
The function for data validation is quite simple. I’m however unhappy that
I specify my desired data inside the function, I would really prefer to specify
a complete data model elsewhere, but for this simple example this works.
You might have noticed that at this point, all the functions only consider the
happy path, where every input is good and produced the desired result. During
prototyping, I don’t really care about exception handling. I deal with that
as I develop.
Now that the frontend has a response, the sincere nightmare of dealing with a
user interface begins, things must change dynamically. The reply is JSON and
once into a JavaScript object, There is a single key I care about:
payment_request. It is a string I want to display and generate a QR code for
it too.
To generate the QR code, I use the library from Project Nayuki
, which is simple
and without dependencies. Yet, you must still implement the renderer. Following
their examples, I wrote one in Parenscript to render on a HTML canvas.
1(in-package:ln-pay-js) 2(defunqr-canvas(payloadcanvas&key(scale4)(border0) 3(light-color"#FFFFFF") 4(dark-color"#000000")) 5"Draws the QR Code on CANVAS with given PAYLOAD
6 7Renders the CANVAS of width and height equal to:
8 (qr.size + BORDER * 2) * SCALE.
910The drawn image is purely DARK-COLOR and LIGHT-COLOR, and fully opaque.
1112The SCALE must be a positive integer and the BORDER must be
13 a non-negative integer."14(when(or(<=scale0)(<border0))15(throw(new(-range-error"Value out of range"))))16(let*((ctx(chaincanvas(get-context"2d")))17(qr(chainqrcodegen-qr-code18(encode-textpayload19(@qrcodegen-qr-code-ecc"MEDIUM"))))20(width(*scale(+(@qrsize)(*2border)))))21(setf(@canvaswidth)width)22(setf(@canvasheight)width)23(loopforyfrom(-border)below(-widthborder)do24(loopforxfrom(-border)below(-widthborder)do25(setf(@ctxfill-style)(if(chainqr(get-modulexy))26dark-colorlight-color))27(chainctx(fill-rect(*scale(+xborder))28(*scale(+yborder))29scalescale))))))
I want to place the QR code inside a modal, it should pop up and cover the
screen. Design the modal again in isolation until you are happy with the design.
Once the HTML is ready, I convert it into lisp form. The reason is I want to
serve it directly from the JavaScript client.
From this moment on I truly missed using ClojureScript and Reframe. Yet my
solution is as follow. Always clear all DOM state to have a clean workplace.
Use the function that generates the HTML text and inject it into an element
using the insert-adjacent-h-t-m-l function. Hook new event listeners to clear
elements that were just added. Inject into the modal the payment_request
string and render the QR code in the designated canvas node.
1(in-package:ln-pay-js) 2(defunclear-state-nodes() 3"Remove from DOM all nodes which represent state from previous request.
4That is error boxes and modal containers of payment." 5(chaindocument(query-selector-all".invoice-error,#qr-send") 6(for-each(lambda(x)(chainx(remove)))))) 7 8(defunpayment-modal(node-id) 9"Dress NODE-ID element with a payment modal.
10 Add corresponding close events"11(clear-state-nodes)12(chaindocument(get-element-by-idnode-id)13(insert-adjacent-h-t-m-l"beforeend"(payment-modal-html)))14(chaindocument(query-selector-all".modal-background,#close-modal")15(for-each16(lambda(node)17(chainnode18(add-event-listener"click"#'clear-state-nodes))))))1920(defunload-qr(lnreq)21(payment-modal"app")22(let((text-con(chaindocument(get-element-by-id"ln-req")))23(canvas(chaindocument(get-element-by-id"qr-canvas")))24(payment-request(@lnreqpayment_request)))25(setf(@text-convalue)payment-request)26(qr-canvaspayment-requestcanvas)))
It is of course necessary to update the invoice function to handle the response
from the backend and use these functions.
At this point, it works for us. The user sees the modal pop up with the invoice
request. He could pay and close the modal himself. However, on our side, we only
treated the happy path. Things could go wrong and handling those exceptions is
There are many things which can go wrong. Invalid User input, general bad input,
the LND service could reply unexpected errors among other things. Let’s first
handle those cases on the backend using a macro. Everything is taken care of at
the same level, only changing the response message for the user. The operation
either succeeds or fails as a bad request.
Once error handling is properly set and the user is properly warned about
errors, it is time to add the last convenience for the user. After he pays, the
user interface must update. The waiting modal changes to thank the user for the
payment and then closes.
The correct way would be to subscribe to LND for payment updates, and keep the
user subscribed to the server for it to know when the payment has been
registered. That is however more problems than I want to solve today. The easy
solution is, with a given timeout, query the backend for the payment status. The
backend in turn queries LND very frequently and as soon as the payment has
settled it replies to the client. If the timeout is reached and the payment is
not settled the backend still replies, yet with an OPEN state. On the client,
this re-triggers a request, and so it keeps waiting for the update. Would the
back end reply CANCELLED (invoice expired), then the modal changes to notify
the user about that too.
This method saves requests between client and backend, and loads the backend.
Because of that asymmetry it exposes the backed to unnecessary load. For the
first iteration and as long as readers of this blog aren’t maliciously creating
requests to my server, this is good enough. I monitor my server to track its
health, and I have enough time to implement the correct solution latter on,
should I have a lot of traffic, which is anyway a nice problem to have.
My solution on the front end is:
1(in-package:ln-pay-js) 2(defunclear-invoice-modal(success-p) 3(setf(inner-html(chaindocument(get-element-by-id"invoice-body"))) 4(ifsuccess-p 5(who-ps-html 6(:div:class"center bg-washed-green green w-90 ma2 f4 br3" 7(:div:class"pa3 bb b--moon-gray bg-green br3 br--top white fw6" 8"Payment Completed!") 9(:div:class"pa3"10"Thank you for your kind support!")))11(who-ps-html12(:div:class"center bg-washed-red red w-90 ma2 f4 br3"13(:div:class"pa3 bb b--moon-gray bg-red br3 br--top white fw6"14"Invoice has expired!")15(:div:class"pa3"16"Please request a new one.")))))17(set-timeout#'clear-state-nodes(ifsuccess-p15005000)))1819(defunjson-or-error(response)20(let((parsed(chainresponse(json))))21(if(@responseok)22parsed23(chainparsed(then(lambda(json)24(throw(@jsonerror))))))))25(defunlisten-for-payment(lnreq)26(chain27(fetch(stringify+ln-api-uri+"/listen-payment")28(create:method"POST"29:headers(create"Content-Type""plain/text")30:body(@lnreqr_hash)))31(then#'json-or-error)32(then(lambda(resp)33(let((state(@resp:state)))34(cond35((equal"CANCELED"state)36(clear-invoice-modalnil))37((equal"SETTLED"state)38(clear-invoice-modalt))39((listen-for-paymentlnreq))))))40(catch(lambda(error)41(clear-state-nodes)42(signal-errorerror)))))4344(defuninvoice()45(clear-state-nodes)46(chain47(fetch(stringify+ln-api-uri+"/make-invoice")48(create:method"POST"49:headers(create"Content-Type""application/json")50:body(chain-J-S-O-N(stringify(collect-invoice-data)))))51(then#'json-or-error)52(then(lambda(response)53(load-qrresponse)54(listen-for-paymentresponse)))55(catch#'signal-error)))
Notice that once again I extended invoice to now trigger the
listen-for-payment event.
Now that all the moving pieces are in place, and everything works on my machine
it is time to do it again. Review the entire code, change all hard coded values
for environment variables. Refactor, create an executable, setup a service,
include CORS headers because the payment processor is a different server than my
blog server.
Serving the JavaScript is certainly the ugliest. During development I dynamically
pushed JavaScript using the trident-mode, yet it is useful to serve it, because
I do refresh from time to time the page. In the production environment, I use it
in different ways. I have manually copied the compiled file to my blog, and on top
of that I serve a frozen version of the file, with its server configuration.
Starting the server has now more steps, all the hard coded variables are now
queried from environment variables. I also support SSL on the production server.
At the moment, I dare to expose the service to the wild, wild internet. That
might change in the future and I’ll offer the services through a reverse proxy.
Because my blog and my payment processor service exist on separate domains I
must configure CORS. I can solve this with a macro that wraps the definition of
my API endpoints. Set the OPTIONS request for the preflight to respond with
empty string. The else clause in the conditional is for the POST request, which
is the actual request.
To run a standalone binary, you must incorporate an entry point. The main
function starts everything, joins the webserver thread to the foreground,
otherwise the executable will finish.
I also sneak a slynk server. This is the beauty of LISP. I can even after
deployment connect to the running image and make changes to it if I need to.
That is not an open connection to the wild internet, I must go over SSH to the
server and then locally connect to it.
Once the webserver is on the main thread, it needs to listen to interrupts to
kill the server.
1(defunmain() 2(start-server:port(parse-integer(uiop:getenv"LN_PAY_PORT"))) 3(format*standard-output*"Hunchentoot server started.~&") 4(slynk:create-server 5:port(parse-integer(uiop:getenv"SLYNK_PORT")):dont-closet) 6(handler-case(bt:join-thread 7(find-if(lambda(th) 8(search"hunchentoot"(bt:thread-nameth))) 9(bt:all-threads)))10;; Catch a user's C-c11(#+sbclsb-sys:interactive-interrupt12#+cclccl:interrupt-signal-condition13#+clispsystem::simple-interrupt-condition14#+eclext:interactive-interrupt15#+allegroexcl:interrupt-signal16()(progn17(format*error-output*"Aborting.~&")18(hunchentoot:stop*server*)19(uiop:quit)))20(error(c)(formatt"Woops, an unknown error occured:~&~a~&"c))))
You made it till the end, I’m glad you find this an interesting read. While
learning Common Lisp I constantly struggled to find resources, this is my
contribution to improve that.
After everything is done, it doesn’t look too bad. The code looks simple enough
for a simple problem. The interactive programming model of LISP is incredibly
helpful. Common Lisp beets Python, even as a beginner in Lisp and quite
experienced in Python I already dare to say there is nothing Python as a
Language does better. As an ecosystem, Python has every imaginable library, some
domains like Data Science are even dominated by Python. There just a massive
amount of work put into the Python ecosystem which you can leverage. That means,
unless I’m really working on a complete novel algorithm I would prefer Python to
Common Lisp. It is not the language is the libraries.
The true pain for me in this project was the JavaScript problem, and Python
would have not been able to help me here either. Trying to keep the User
Interface manageable from a software point of view is a hard problem, that is
why so many JavaScript frameworks and tools exist. More interactions, immediate
client side data validation, managing state, are necessary for any decent
application and I skipped over them in this project. All those things feel
incredibly hard when all you have is the bare JavaScript (ParenScript) language.
Doing a Web Application without a Framework that helps you manage that
complexity is a lost battle. From my experience ClojureScript+Reagent+Reframe is
the most convenient developer experience, I fail to see why that hasn’t taken
over the world.
Common Lisp, despite all its language quirks feels to me better than Clojure.
Just by the fact that starting the SBCL image and loading new libraries at
runtime is possible and fast, the developer experience is so much better.
Clojure is just getting there. On top of that sly, which is only an aggressive
improvement over slime, which has years of development, is just better tooling
to interact with the lisp image. CIDER has still a lot to catch up. They
probably will, because the Clojure community is bigger. Until then, I’ll
probably will keep jumping between Clojure and Common Lisp.
Maybe there is a hidden gem in the Common Lisp world to develop web clients, I
personally coudn’t find it. Yes, there are some attempts at that, but they
neither fit my mental model nor those models I already know. Yes, I’ll always
want to learn new ones, but mentoring documentation is really hard to find in
the land of Common Lisp all that you have is the HyperSpec, which is not
beginner friendly. You can’t expect to change someones mental models without
writing beginner friendly tutorials.
As a scientist I studied the physics of the very small quantum world. As a computer hacker I distill code. Software is eating the world, and less code means less errors, less problems. Millions of lines of legacy code demand attention and have to be understood and simplified for future reliable operation.