On my first post after blog opening, I offered to write as often as possible to record my learning and share ut. Unfortunately, even for me, it has not happened. This is the second post. That does not mean, I spend my time without getting new knowledge. It means instead that I still need to practice about this blogging task and discipline myself to it. Certainly the lack of monetary income hinders me from publishing. Hope to change this, and that it doesn’t take other many months for the third post.

On a summary of what I have learned in the last months and suggested readings for you.

On a more random subject, I danced the WDSF world championship standard in Melbourne Australia. All those years dedicated to dancing delivered and incredible reward. I travelled to Brazil and went to the Rio Carnival, very nice. But as personal recommendation, don’t go there. It’s just to crowded, one weak earlier is the best option: you get the nice weather and sunny beaches as well, but a lot less people, you can still watch the parade rehearsals for free, and it is far cheaper than during the holiday.

Until next time!!!